Bodybuilding attracts a lot of suspicion when it comes to women gaining muscle. "Will I have a bodybuilder's muscular appearance?" "Can I still fit into my clothes?" In actuality, ladies want to develop lean muscle. The cell organelle known as mitochondria, which increases metabolism and produces energy, is found in muscles. Gaining muscle also maintains your body appearing toned and helps stop muscle loss after the age of thirty. So no, you won't have a bodybuilder's muscular appearance. Discover the top 15 strategies for women to gain muscle without appearing too muscular by reading on. Go ahead and swipe!

15 Methods for Women to Gain Muscle


1. Exercise for Strength

Strength and Resistance Training Exercise | American Heart Association

The first thing to do if you want to gain muscle and strength is strength training (4). Weightlifting and resistance training using dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and weight plates are common components of strength training regimens. Your muscles' strength is enhanced by it.

The muscles get severely worn out from these activities. Your muscles regenerate while you sleep or rest, but they do so with greater strength and width.

Blogger Martha spoke about her experience on her own blog about adding weightlifting to her routine. "I looked bigger before exercising, but after three months of training, I've finally looked leaner as I've lost more fat in the process." the woman stated.

2. Make an effort!

Incorporate High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your fitness regimen to get a toned physique and maintain a slender frame. HIIT consists of quick, fluid movements that last 30 seconds, interspersed with 10-second rest intervals.

Fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are crucial for muscular growth, are the focus of this quick, high-intensity workout. It helps to tone and shape your muscles and is a power workout. Long-duration exercises like walks or runs that target slow-twitch fibers, which do not contribute to muscle growth, are examples of endurance training.

Perform the following exercises: side jackknife, Russian twist, leg ins and outs, crunches, high knees, burpees, squat jumps, jumping lunges, rope jumping, combat rope, and sit-ups.

Take a break for 60 to 90 seconds before moving on to the next activity. In between sets, take ten seconds to relax.

3. Make an effort for yourself

Strive to do more repetitions with accuracy, speed, and volume. You will not make improvement if you continue performing the same workouts for the customary number of sets and repetitions.

Your muscles will become more used to the weights the more you use them. Your muscles won't become bigger unless you lift more weight or increase the challenge.

To help your muscles heal, try strength training every other day and working out three to five days a week.

A study conducted on persons in the United States who were 18 years of age and older revealed that from 2018 to 2020, the proportion of females who met the recommended daily intake of both aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities decreased with age. It fell from 28.7% to 22.7% for women in the 18–34 age range; it fell to 22.7% for women in the 35–49 age range; it fell to 17.6% for women in the 50–64 age range, and it was only found to be 10.8% for women in the 65 and over age range.

You have to watch what you eat in addition to exercising. These are some diet tactics that you can use.


4. Eat Enough Protein

Myth - Vegetarians Can't Get Enough Protein – Think Products

Muscle protein is broken down by weightlifting and HIIT. Protein is necessary for muscle repair. Muscle-building and muscle-repairing foods include fish, chicken breast, soy chunks, beans, almonds, seeds, lentils, eggs, and mushrooms.

Women who are sedentary must eat 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight. However, you need to eat 1.7–1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in order to gain muscle growth. You should eat 105–112 g of protein daily if you weigh 132 pounds (62 kg).

5. Eat Meals Before and After Exercise

Meals before and after your training can help you perform at your best and recover quickly, respectively.

Your body needs energy to lift weights, and you can provide it to it by eating a pre-workout meal that is high in carbohydrates and moderate in protein. Eat a post-workout meal high in protein to hasten the repair and rebuilding of your muscles.

6. Eat Moderate Amounts of Healthful Fats

Vitamin E is abundant in the good fats found in nuts, seeds, ghee, avocado, rice bran oil, and avocado oil. Antioxidant vitamin E aids in the removal of poisons. Omega-3 fatty acids, which can aid reduce inflammation in the body, are included in several dietary sources. When your body is at rest, these good fats also facilitate faster healing.

7. Eat Healthful Carbs in Moderate Amounts

Consume foods high in fiber, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. They supply vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber—all of which are necessary for good health. These nutrients will make sure that you don't become quickly unwell or feel weak.

8. Consume Nutrients

For those with really hectic schedules or high levels of activity, supplements are fantastic. They provide you the nourishment that entire foods don't deliver. Lean muscle mass may be gained with the use of protein supplements. Before taking any supplements, though, you should consult a qualified nutritionist and your doctor.

9. Restrict Your Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is processed by the body as additional calories, and an excessive amount of alcohol can cause weight gain. Additionally, you won't have the strength and energy to work exercise. One or two days a week, have a glass of wine if you want to gain muscle. Excessive behavior will ultimately hinder your advancement.

The most overlooked yet crucial component of muscle growth is covered in the following five sections. Look it over.

Way of life

10. Take a rest

Premium Photo | Women with white towel take a rest after workout at fitness  gym

Muscle healing is aided by rest. You risk hurting yourself and maybe never returning to the gym if you don't get enough sleep. Take a minimum of 20 minutes of rest in between sets and workouts, as well as after returning home. Steer clear of weightlifting every day.

11. Get up early

You'll go to bed earlier if you wake up early. You might then visit the gym in the morning or the evening. Additionally, you'll have time to prepare a quick breakfast before you leave or eat a meal high in protein when you get home from the gym.

12. Get Enough Rest

Sleep is necessary to enable your muscles to repair from damage. Try to get 7 hours or more of good sleep. Rest is also necessary for your brain to work.

13. Engage in meditation

Discipline is necessary to have a strong, toned physique. You can maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay focused with the aid of meditation. Even if it's difficult at first, persevere. You will eventually be able to retrain your brain to manage your emotions, including worry, tiredness, and hunger pains, which might be holding you back from seeing the results you want right away.

14. Be in the company of optimistic people

Positive individuals encourage and inspire others. It will be less probable for you to fail in your personal and professional goals if you surround yourself with optimistic individuals. Seek out positive individuals to learn from, whether at work, home, or the gym, so you won't give up on your wellness objectives too quickly.

15. Consult With Professionals

It is advisable to have a personal trainer if you are a novice since they will provide an appropriate training program. For a personalized food plan, speak with a qualified dietician. To create a supportive network, you can also converse with others who have similar objectives. Developing social support is essential to maintaining attention and doing activities properly. You may also read this: Best Tricep Workouts for Women

Are you curious about how long it will take to notice your muscles? To go to the next part, scroll down!

How Much Time Does It Take For Women To Gain Muscle?

Many factors affect women's muscle growth, such as age, genetics, kind of exercise, intensity of workouts, metabolic rate, hormone levels, diet, and consistency. When strength training is done consistently and a proper diet is followed, women may often notice results in two to three months.

Women's muscular development may be slower than that of men's because they generate less testosterone, a hormone that is essential for muscle growth. For this reason, it is advised to consume enough protein, consume more calories than one needs, and gradually increase your resistance exercise.

Keep in mind that developing muscle is a slow process, and that comparing your own development to that of another person can be deceptive because of individual differences. A fitness expert can provide you with individualized advice.