Vira is strong, warrior, valiant; Bhadra is good, lucky buddy; Asana: Posture; Said as veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna

This asana is named for the legendary figure Lord Shiva produced known as Veerabhadra. Asana is posture; Veera in Sanskrit is hero; Bhadra is buddy. Among the most elegant forms in yoga is this one. It honors the successes of a legendary fighter. Often known as the Warrior Pose or Warrior Pose II, this asana

What You Should Know Before You Do The Warrior Pose

Early in the morning is ideal for doing yoga, particularly if it is an asana as strong as this one enhances attention and concentration. You might, however, practice in the evening should you find it impossible in the morning.

You also have to maintain your stool clean and empty your stomach before you conduct asana. Eat your meals at least four to six hours before the practice so that the food is well digested and you have enough energy created for your exercise.

Learning the Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2 Pose)

Virabhadrasana 2

  • Get perfectly straight and open your legs three to four feet apart.

  • Turn your left foot inward by about 15 degrees and your right foot outward by about 90 degrees. The heel of your right foot should be exactly aligned with the middle of the left foot.

  • Lift your arms sideways such that they reach your shoulder height. Check that your arms run parallel to the ground and that your palms face upward.

  • Breathe deeply; then, as you exhale, bend your right knee. Your right knee ought not to overreach your ankle. Your right ankle and knee should make a straight line.

  • Now softly tilt your head and gaze to your right.

  • You have to challenge yourself more as you grow at ease in the posture. Stretch your arms then softly press your pelvis down.

  • Maintaining your resolute warrior posture, grin and remain in that state. Continually breathe.

  • Inhale and release from the position. Exhale and lower your arms.

  • Turn your left foot outwards by 90 degrees and your right foot inwards by around 15 degrees to repeat the stance on your left leg.

Safety Measures and Contraventions

  • When you perform the Virabhadrasana, you should be advised of these few things.

  • Especially if you have had any spinal problems in the past or if you have recently recovered from a chronic illness, it is advisable to practice the Warrior Pose II under the direction of a qualified yoga instructor or following consultation with your doctor.

  • Those with high blood pressure should absolutely avoid this position.

  • Pregnant ladies in their second and third trimesters will find great advantage from this position. Still, they should see a doctor before assuming this stance. To help themselves during this position, they might also stand near to a wall.

  • If you have diarrhea, you would want to avoid this asana.

  • Use knee support if you suffer from arthritis or knee difficulties. When you retain the position, this will help you somewhat relax.

  • Should you have neck issues, avoid turning your head. Maintaining head straightness, keep the position.

Beginner’s Tips

Here is a little of advice for novices. As you enter the position, bend the left knee to a right angle rapidly with a deep exhale, then try to point the inside of the left knee toward the little-toe side of the left foot.

How to do Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II) //

Advanced Pose Alterations

  • Once you have perfected the fundamentals, these two changes will allow you to deepen the posture.

  • Lean the body somewhat away from the bent leg, then slant your arms parallel to the top of your shoulders to extend the torso.

  • Turn both of your palms and the creases of your inner elbow such that they face the ceiling to lengthen and strengthen your arms in this position. Pushing your shoulder blades backwards as you do this helps. Then turn your hands such that they face the floor once more while you keep the arms rotating.

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Advantues of the Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2 Pose)

  • This asana works the ankles and legs.

  • It also aids in complete chest, lung, groin, shoulder stretching.

  • It increases digestion and stimulates the organs of the abdomen.

  • This asana improves endurance as well.

  • It solves any type of backaches, particularly those brought on by pregnancy.

  • Aid with flat feet, osteoporosis, infertility, carpal tunnel pain, and sciatica.

  • This asana advances tranquility, bravery, and luckyness. You should practice this rather elegant posture.

The Warrior 2 Pose (Virabhadrasana 2) From Scientific Viewpoint

The Warrior Pose II calls both stability and power. It also calls for a great amount of hip and upper body flexibility. The Virabhadrasana harmonizes the Sthira ( stability) and Sukha (comfort) of the body.

This asana works the entire body and also helps us to become aware of the organs hidden from view. Maintaining the back arm up and the back foot planted helps the awareness in this asana.

The Mythology Behind Virabhadrasana 2

This asana is deep in mythology and history.

King Daksha allegedly planned a significant ceremonial sacrifice but turned from inviting his daughter Sati and her spouse Shiva. Embarrassed and insulted, Sati rushed into the assembly and straight forward into the flames.

Hearing of Sati's death, Shiva was inconsolable. He took off a lock of his hair and bang it on the floor. Beaten hair's lock turned into a strong fighter. Shiva gave this warrior Virabhadra orders to demolish Daksha and his entourage.